I believe the issue has to do with the web server’s configuration, either not allowing external URLs to be opened by filegetcontents (which is dependent upon the allowurlfopen setting in the php.ini file), or it may have to do with file permissions on the server preventing a temporary file with the contents of the ICS file being stored.
Openstream.T, Java/Openstream.T
Openstream.T is Java applet based trojan downloader, that will download and execute a trojan that will download spyware and adware into the system.
Automatic action
Based on the settings of your F-Secure security product, it will either move the file to the quarantine where it cannot spread or cause harm, or remove it.
Suspect a file is incorrectly detected (a False Positive)?
The openStream function works on an object of the URL class. The URL class opens up a connection to the given URL and the openStream method returns an input stream which is used to read data from the connection. The second class we will be using is the BufferedInputStreamReader and the FileOutputStream. And possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open stream file, edit stream file, convert stream file, view stream file, play stream file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database). After you've successfully created a URL, you can call the URL 's openStream method to get a stream from which you can read the contents of the URL. The openStream method returns a java.io.InputStream object, so reading from a URL is as easy as reading from an input stream. Openstream.T comes in a signed Java JAR file, that will download and activate if user uses a web browser that supports Java. Before letting the trojan to execute the Java runtime, will ask user whether he wants the signed Java application to run.
A False Positive is when a file is incorrectly detected as harmful, usually because its code or behavior resembles known harmful programs. A False Positive will usually be fixed in a subsequent database update without any action needed on your part. If you wish, you may also:
Check for the latest database updates
First check if your F-Secure security program is using the latest detection database updates, then try scanning the file again.
Submit a sample
After checking, if you still believe the file is incorrectly detected, you can submit a sample of it for re-analysis.
NOTE If the file was moved to quarantine, you need to collect the file from quarantine before you can submit it.
Exclude a file from further scanning
If you are certain that the file is safe and want to continue using it, you can exclude it from further scanning by the F-Secure security product.
Note You need administrative rights to change the settings.
For more Support
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Submit a sample
Submit a file or URL for further analysis.
Technical Details
Openstream.T comes in a signed Java JAR file, that will download and activate if user uses a web browser that supports Java. Before letting the trojan to execute the Java runtime, will ask user whether he wants the signed Java application to run.
If user answers no, the trojan will not execute.
If user answers yes, the trojan will download an Win32 EXE trojan that will download further trojans.
Openstream will run basically under any browser which supports Java, and probably also under other operating systems than Windows. However as the only payload the trojan has is downloading Win32 EXE, the trojan is harmless in other operating systems than windows.
How Openstream Works?
What is OpenStream?
- OpenStream is a technology platform which helps you create a new recurrent revenue channel for your radio or podcast:
- Have access to national audio advertising campaigns, no matter how large your audience is
- Geolocation: depending where they are, your listeners will hear different ads (in their language)
- Premium ads: no adult, porn or gambling ads, we only work with famous brands
- Easy set up: add a piece of code in your URL and you're done
- Works on all devices, all players (wordpress included)
- We offer one of the highest CPM
- OpenStream is free to use with no obligation, cancel anytime (but we're sure you won't)
- Dashboard access: see live and historical analytics. Track your revenue
How OpenStream works for radio?
OpenStream works like a proxy between the listener and your radio. When the listeners clicks on your URL, we send him an ad then redirect him to your stream. That’s why you need to add a piece of code in your URL (or create a 301 redirect) to make it work.
How OpenStream works for podcast?
OpenStream works like a proxy between the listener and your podcast. When the listeners clicks on your new OpenStream episode’s URL, we send him an ad then redirect him to the podcast. That’s why you need to add a piece of code in your URL (or create a 301 redirect) to make it work. We don't store or copy your content, we only redirect listeners.
OK… but why do I have to change my stream or podcast URL?
The only way to identify your listener and send him the right ad is with the URL he is calling. That’s why you need to add a piece of code in your URL or create a 301 redirect for your stream or podcast feed. Your old URL is still active, it’s just that we don’t use it anymore (meaning you can switch back to your old URL whenever you want to stop using our service, without any problem).
How to use OpenStream?
How to use OpenStream player?
See this page for details
How to change your radio stream URL in your players?
Update your players stream URL with the one we provided you or replace your player with this code:audio src='http://listen.openstream.co/YOUR_ID/audio' autoplay='true' muted='false' controls='true' volume='1.0'>
How to setup a 301 redirect for my podcast (recommended)
If you host your podcast (or have access to the server), create a .htaccess file (or edit existing file) by renaming a simple text document and giving it the name “.htaccess” and place it in the root folder of your Web server.
For example if you host your mp3 episodes in http://www.mywebsite.com/podcast/episodes, create an .htaccess file in http://www.mywebsite.com.
Next, you need to add some code to the .htaccess file in order to perform the redirection:<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^/podcast/episodes/ https://r.opns.co/YOUR_ID/http://www.mywebsite.com/podcast/episodes/ [L,R=301]
If you already have a .htaccess file in the root folder of your Web server, then all you may need to do is add this line:RewriteRule ^/podcast/episodes/ https://r.opns.co/YOUR_ID/http://www.mywebsite.com/podcast/episodes/ [L,R=301]
How to change your episodes podcast URL?
You can monetize each or all episodes by changing their URL in your RSS feed, in your website or anywhere they are referenced. This way, you don’t have to change your RSS feed URL.
Your new episodes URL are:https://r.opns.co/your-OpenStream-ID/your-episode-URL
Example if your episode URL was 'http://www.mywebsite.com/podcast/john/episode1.mp3', and your OpenStream ID is 1234, your new episode URL is: 'https://r.opns.co/1234/http://www.mywebsite.com/podcast/john/episode1.mp3'
How to change your RSS feed URL in iTunes (podcasts):
- Click My Podcasts.
- Click the podcast you want to manage. Podcasts Connect displays the podcast detail page.
- Type your new OpenStream RSS feed URL in the text box, then click Save.
- Podcasts Connect updates your RSS feed URL and displays your podcast in the dashboard along with the Scheduled for Update status. Allow up to 24 hours for the change to appear on the iTunes Store
Only iTunes audience will be monetized
What if my podcast is hoted by:
If you use Libsyn to host your RSS feed or update your XML file, send Libsyn a note and ask them to begin including the OpenStream Prefix https://r.opns.co/your-OpenStream-ID/
on all episodes going forward. Libsyn is generally responsive and should add your prefix quickly.
Go to your SoundCloud dashboard and enable tracking. From the Settings – Content page on your SoundCloud dashboard, the prompt says: Stats service URL prefix. Please enter the OpenStream Prefix https://r.opns.co/your-OpenStream-ID/
Just Prefix the media file URLs when you create your episodes with https://r.opns.co/your-OpenStream-ID/
OpenStream is not supported by BluBrry. The best option is either to use the OpenStream RSS feed URL and register that feed in iTunes or switch to another host such as Libsyn.
Check your RSS feed
Check your RSS feed to ensure that it's valid (and that you see OpenStream prefix). (We suggest http://www.feedvalidator.org.)
Troubleshoot and resolve common issues
I Can't hear ads in my stream.
The most common reason ads are not played :
1/ There is no 'title' in your stream (radio only). We use the 'title' meta to insert audio ads. Make sure that the 'title' meta is correctly implemented in your stream. You can do this by viewing the admin page of your icecast.
2/ You're not listening from the targeted country. Campaigns are targeted per country, depending where you're listening from, ads might not be played.
3/ You don't use our stream URL. You must change the URL in your player and use the stream URL we created in your account.
How can I improve ads insertion for radio?
The precision of metadata inserted are important: It’s all about your metadatas, make sure they are correctly setup. The more specific they are, the more accurate ads insertions will be.
How much will I make?
That’s a good, complicated, question. Our revenue are calculated on a CPM basis. Each campaign has its own CPM price. You’ll have a lot of different campaigns during the month. Your audience also matters. Advertisers target specific countries. If your listener is in the U.K., he will have a british ad. If he is in Spain, he might not be monetized… or have a spanish ad. What we can tell you is, in average, you’ll make between $2 and $5 per 1000 targeted listeners. Sometimes more.
When will I start to receive payments?
In OpenStream, you're paid when your earnings reach the payment threshold ($50), as long as there are no holds on your account and you're in compliance with our policies. However, we aren't able to send you a bank transfer at the end of the month because we first have to validate your earnings for accuracy -- a process that takes four months. We send payments four months and a couple of weeks later, usually during the last week of the month. So if your earnings reach the payment threshold in January, we'll send you a payment before the end of May. If your account balance hasn't reached the payment threshold at the end of the month, we'll roll your earnings over to the following month until the payment threshold is reached.
What about the license rights?
As we only relay your internet radio station, we don't deal with license rights, you have to. You must get the rights to the play Copyrighted Music on your Internet radio station. Here is a list of Companies that you can go through to get Music Licensing for your Internet Radio Station. They cover major organizations that handle the right to perform a composition (song) in public. U.S. ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, SoundExchange, & SOCAN (Canada). Nearly all popular musicians are a member of one of the big three: ASCAP, SESAC, and BMI.
What about the free icecast hosting?
If you want, we can provide you a free icecast access. Just send us an email request , and we’ll setup your free account.
What about OpenStream’s premium bandwidth?
How To Openstream File Electronically
When you join OpenStream, you get free premium bandwidth. We are connected with 10 providers that route our traffic via more than 40 worldwide peering exchange points. All links are at doubled at every routing point and on our servers are all based on dual power source. That’s why we can guarantee the quality of data transfers to all your listeners.