Armikrog is a unique stop motion clay animated point and click adventure game from the creators of Earthworm Jim and the Neverhood. Unravel the mysteries of the fortress that holds Tommynaut and his blind alien talking dog Beak-Beak captive through exploration and puzzle solving! A fan remake of the 96' classic, The Neverhood. Late 2016 I decided to go indie and make games of my own. As a launch project to get warmed up (and test myself), I decided to recreate a portion of a favorite of mine, The Neverhood. Yeah, I was thinking of a petition or poll, to show how many people would buy/play the game on steam. I should find a free poll site and advertise the poll here and on youtube and deviantart. And it's so true that valve loves to let mod creators and small indie games become something bigger. They always revive their games with new content, too.
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- The Neverhood
Description of The Neverhood Windows
Read Full DescriptionThe Neverhood is one of the most original adventure games ever made, and one of the prime examples of how an ultra-slick style is sometimes enough to carry the game, even though we all know that substance is more important than style. Instead of using cartoons or computer animation, they built the entire set of the game with 2 tons of clay! Quite an achievement in any media, and the result is nothing short of amazing.
The storyline is quite simple. You play the role of Klayman; you wake up in a room, and you have to figure what to do from there. Rooms and puzzles are played from a third person perspective, while moving from one place to another takes form in FMV cut scenes in first person. The game is extremely appealing to all family members, and is a lot of fun to play with.
Unfortunately for all its graphical originality, puzzles in The Neverhood is nowhere near as creative. The most annoying part of the game is the room with the wall that goes on to infinity, the wall of which has the entire 'bible' of the klay world (klay universe?) in it. This damned thing spans 38 (yes, thirty-eight) rooms, and believe it or not, I actually spent a few hours reading it all... and it gave me quite a headache.
As in The 7th Guest, the puzzles in The Neverhood bear no real relation to the story at hand -- they have more in common with bar bets or the logic problems you might find in Games magazine, except much more pointless and repetitive. Many puzzles are just rehashes from other Myst clones: to open a door to a new location, you'll have to solve a tile-sliding puzzle; to open another door, you'll have to match musical notes by filling a doorbell with water -- if you fail, you'll have to start over from the beginning until you get it right; to open yet another door, you'll have to guide a mouse safely through a maze so he can eat a tasty slice of cheese. Fortunately, there are usually hints available if you go to the initial room and down the ladder.
Perhaps due to lackluster puzzles and a high price tag, The Neverhood neither sold well nor won critical acclaim, despite being original and well executed. Two thumbs up for this underdog, but be warned that all the appeal lies in the style here, not so much substance. If you play adventure games for the interesting puzzles and situations, give The Neverhood a miss. If you prefer story-oriented games with a unique style, though, The Neverhood more than fits the bill.
Review By HOTUD
External links
How to play The Neverhood Windows
To run the game on Win 7 / 8 / 10, the Neverhood Restauration Project will help you.
User LOBO has submitted a new fix available on this page, and points to this video tutorial.
Captures and Snapshots
Screenshots from
Comments and reviews
pc gamer832020-11-170 point
very original and funny, sometimes frustrating, still a must play as they dont do such games anymore, using clay I mean.
mr pogger hitler2020-11-10-2 points
9x forever2020-11-010 point
i suggest anytoiso link here to convert from nrg to a usable iso
willie trombone2020-10-310 point
i used scummvm. i also got the game from it worked well and both sites are legit. best game ever.
Hoborg4512020-10-010 point
Type [enter]fastforward[enter] to speed up sidescrolling sections.
7736798648342020-08-241 point
Not an ISO. Doesn't work.
Legend27262020-08-200 point
The best game.
No2020-05-271 point
Is it legit tho
klaymen2020-05-153 points
best game, i have orgasm
olek2020-05-093 points
I've done all acc to Fix instruction but still can not start the game.
system: Win7 64bit
problem1: DDERR_UNSUPPORTED - clicked OK then
problem2: Unable to initialize DirectDraw
DirectX 11
DirectDraw Enabled
Direct3d Enabled
AGP Enabled
Any help, sugestion?
Earthworm Jim2020-04-24-3 points
You should make a mobile version.
RubyRiolu2020-03-06-3 points
I downloaded a U4 remake less than 5 minuites ago, but it's super slow, so I guess I'm going with this version.
TittyKitty2020-02-170 point
@BEELZEBUBBA Where was that? I remember my dad having the game around that time and he borrowed it, but never gave it back.
Beelzebubba2020-02-032 points
I loaned the CD to a 'friend' in '97 and never saw it, or the friend, again. I especially loved the soundtrack. It reminded me of Leon Redbone.
1235qwerttydudue2020-01-301 point
It tells me that I need to download DirectX
kidman2019-11-05-3 points
in 90 its been very butiful l game all plastic like material and grafix 3d its) 3d objects ?))) and in chilhoot i think another / i think its not a plastic cartoon a true gtrafx objects
fatflash2019-08-214 points
It's working on my windows 10, what a blast from the past!!!
you should'nt care2019-08-180 point
you ficking crazy with that steps?
GoingMad2019-05-235 points
Runs nice in ScummVM. Just needed the data folder from the cd. No worries about installing or special settings.
MONGRONG2019-02-07-1 point
if you run on upper version windows Vista, you don't need windows 8.1 fix or 'WAVistaWin7.exe' etc.
just set compatibility 'Windows 95', '256 Colors' AND 'RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR'.
lynsey2018-12-231 point
It said my file was corrupted (downloaded it from this site) Tried the powershell (before I found out it was corrupted) and it said 'object not found'. I have no idea what this means or why my file that I downloaded from this website was corrupted. I've been trying to play this fricken game forever and Zero download links have worked. I just want to find one that isn't corrupted, and actually works. AGH
Lexi Harris2018-12-083 points
This game is awesome my sixty two year old dad talked my kids into it and they love it
Fattywithhacks2018-12-01-1 point
Have problems with colors. any ideas to fix?
Nightkiwi@Youtubecom2018-08-200 point
OMG I have been looking for this for ages
LOBO2018-06-270 point
I wanted to add a couple of hints for this game. When the game runs in first person, the sound and animation lag. Not sure what if anything can be done about that. By hitting ENTER and typing the word (you won't see any fields) FASTFORWARD and pressing ENTER once more, the animation speeds up in the parts with a 3rd person perspective.
Visit your mailbox, located below the Flytrap room, to help you solve your next puzzle.
Save often to avoid re-playing Neverhood scenes.
LOBO2018-06-254 points
'THE NEVERHOOD' for Windows 10 (is compatible):
1. Download the game & manual ('Save Game' function works fine - patch seems unnecessary and has security alerts)
2. Unzip 'The-Neverhood_Win_EN'
2. Convert Neverhood.nrg (Nero file) to an .iso file ('nrg2iso' is free ('nrg2iso20' doesn't seem to work))
3. Mount 'Neverhood.iso'
W10 'PowerShell' command for mounting/dismounting an ISO (to open Powershell, search Windows for 'Powershell' Desktop App):
A. Mounting: Copy & Paste into Powershell (leave quotes): Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath 'C:whereverNeverhood.iso'
B. Dismounting: Copy & Paste into Powershell (leave quotes): Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath 'C:whereverNeverhood.iso'
C. Note the allocated drive letter.
4. Create a 'Games' folder in your 'C:' drive.
5. Unpack ('7-Zip' is free) 'The Neverhood Fix.rar' files (3) to the 'Games' folder
'The Neverhood Fix.rar' (edit: fix is available on this page)
6. Confirm the 2 .reg files (R-click, 'Edit')
A. 'Nvrhood Registry Fix.reg':
The default points to the 'D' drive. Change (if necessary) to the actual drive letter where 'Neverhood.iso' is mounted (ie. ('Data Drive'='whatever drive:')
B. 'NeverHood Windows 8.1 Fix.reg':
1. If a different folder than 'Games' is used (not recommended) do the following. Otherwise do nothing.
A. Change 'C:GamesNeverhoodNhc.exe' to 'C:whateverFolderNameNeverhoodNhc.exe'
B. Edit 'Nvrhood Registry Fix.reg':
1. Change 'Installed Directory'='C:GamesNeverhood' to 'Installed Directory'='C:whateverFolderNameNeverhood'
2. Change 'Run File'='C:GamesNeverhoodNHC' to 'Run File'='C:whateverFolderNameNeverhoodNHC'
When you're all set, merge the 2 .reg files (double-click)
7. Run 'Nhc.exe'
ali miraali2018-04-011 point
wow ! i love it
what a game
after 20 years :
dash2018-02-06-3 points
what software do use to the Neverhood NRG file? pleas help!
COgoldfishRX2017-12-05-1 point
love it
@rodrigounda2017-06-2025 points
I stll have a CD copy of it.
I'm saving for my daughter 18's birthday....
she's only 2.
Kidswatter2017-04-091 point
The only solution for games that don't support windowed mode that I know is to use a window hooker like DxWnd that allows you to run games in windowed mode. There are plenty of tutorials on how to set it up and to my knowledge, it works great,
AmiVicky2017-03-270 point
So I was able to get it to run, but for capturing purposes (I want to stream this), is there any way I can change the resolution and volume? There are no volume settings in the game, and I can't get the game out of fullscreen. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Raymond Figueroa2016-12-290 point
Hello, i wanted to say something about this. mainly this:
How did you get this game? its literally impossible. second, Thank you for this i missed playing the Neverhood when i was little. Keep up the good Work.
HYPERTiZ2016-11-181 point
This is sadly why emulation is required these days;
to archive the hard works of those game developers that gives them free exposure of their works but also to experiece those lost gems that cant be played through original hardware or physical means.
themolluskk2016-10-22-2 points
the original restoration project is no longer active, but following the link on the page provided here will redirect you & give you installation instructions.
SO happy to finally find this game!
3alwesh2016-08-261 point
For anyone having an issue with running on windows 10 see this tutorial on youtube, it got the game working for me!
Thepancake9532016-07-082 points
It works great when using it on Windows 10, but when I go into certain areas on Windows 7 a command line shows up and the game crashes. Great game though 10/10.
Vicky2016-07-053 points
This game is AMAZING. I played it in college, then again as a young adult, then with my ex-husband, then with our eldest boy and now with my boyfriend and my little boy. Yes... is that good. I do take years apart between playing it thou.
While it may look for children and you can certainly play it with them (and they'll laugh their heads off), the puzzles are DEFINITELY for older people as they grow in complexity throughout the game... although having a kid with me the first time around would've helped a lot, as you have to... think like a child! :D
A game that is 100% better to tackle in family: everybody will have their opinion on what to do, where to go or how to interpret the puzzles.
Made by adults for adults, the music, the humor, the graphics all make of this a true GEM of human creativity.
The sacrifice of getting it to work, even if you have to buy an old PC to play it or struggle with an emulator, is VERY well worth it.
One of the BEST games you will EVER play and one that would leave beautiful memories printed in your mind, specially if shared. ;)
Virginia Ramunda-Marty
le_me2016-05-151 point
use ScummVM ( for playing.
Thepancake9532016-04-25-3 points
It says 'Error Initializing DirectSound'. How do I fix this?
Krys2015-12-170 point
It says it can't run because it requires Windows 95....really?
CorTat2015-11-22-3 points
To run this, you'll need to download Daemon Tools Lite, then open the .nrg file with it.
The Neverhood Game Buy Pc
fedora swag master2015-10-03-2 points
could this game run on the mac?
Master Mind2015-07-24-1 point Windows version
how do you run it after the download, please help.
XXPedia2015-07-16-1 point Windows version
Ok, so I have no idea how to run the game because it's a .nrg file. Help.
yuxiya2015-07-140 point Windows version
oh my God!!! Finally i found it.. very interesting adventure game, when my dad bought for me when i was still a kid (Thank you '' you're save my good memory)
Deadfool2015-03-131 point Windows version
A true gem in the Adventure Games genre!
I highly recommend playing this game with a notebook, you'll need it for some dreadful puzzles.
The Neverhood Game Buy Online
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Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run The Neverhood (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!
Download The Neverhood Windows
We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us!
Just one click to download at full speed!
Windows Version
Game Extras
Various files to help you run The Neverhood, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
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Genre: Adventure
Release Year: 1996
Developer: The Neverhood
Publisher: Dreamworks Interactive
Age Rating: 12+
Playability Status: Perfect
Tested On: Windows 8 x64
Availability: Copyright retained - Out of print/unavailable
Critically acclaimed upon release but largely overlooked by the game-buying public, this curious little claymation adventure game has become something of a cult classic. In the game, you’ll guide the unlikely hero Klaymen around the bizarre Neverhood, solving puzzles and helping your fellow pliable pals as you go. The games unique clay animation visuals and excellent soundtrack have aged extremely well and it’s a shame that this particular title finds itself languishing in copyright limbo, unlikely to be re-released any time soon. For any adventure game fans that are lucky enough to find a copy of the game on e-bay or at a garage sale, you will be delighted to know that, despite its age, The Neverhood will run perfectly on a modern PC.
The Neverhood Download Full Game
We did not encounter any problems installing the game on our Windows 8 x64 test machine. Simply insert The Neverhood CD-ROM into your computer and run the “SETUP 95” program. The games installer will then run and allow you to install the game anywhere on your PC.
If you do have difficulties installing the game, there is a replacement installer available at the Neverhood Restoration Project. We tested this installer and it didn’t seem to offer anything any different to the original, but it may help in some circumstances. You can download the replacement installer here.
Running the game
Surprisingly for a game that is so old, The Neverhood runs extremely well on modern systems. The game must be run as an administrator (the programs shortcut will ask for administrator access anyway) and for best results you may want to disable any secondary monitors you have attached to your PC. Don’t be tempted to alt-tab from the game to check your e-mail or the web either, if you do so the game will either crash or display in corrupted colours.
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Known issues
The Neverhood Game Free Download
Audio stuttering on the intro – During the intro movie, the audio may stutter/periodically cut out. There is currently no known workaround for this, but the audio in-game seems to perform correctly.