Blog Headers Scrapped 's Free Printables,digi's And Clip Art

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  • 50 Flower Images. We have 50 favorite free vintage flower images for you today! With spring just around the corner (I can’t wait for the snow around here to go away), I wanted to focus on some of my favorite flower images.

With the website headers at Xheaderpro I can easily add one of their 500 free website headers to any website or blog or create my own, and it’s all free!

Part of my frustration when creating a new website or blog, and probably yours too, is creating or even finding a website header that looks professional and fits the theme of my site. Because I’m not a professional creative designer it can take me hours, even days to create or even find a header that doesn’t look like a twelve year old made it. To get the look I want I’ve had to pay designers to create website headers for me, but at $40-$100 per header, that’s not my favorite option.

But there’s more than free website headers with this deal.

In this week's quick tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make your blog header using existing illustrations/clip art and an existing font. The hand-drawn look is awesome, but I realize not everyone wants to make graphics from scratch! Apr 28, 2015 - I'm excited to share these new blog headers with you to use on your blog. There are a few different styles available depending on what you like and what the style of your blog is. Fotor’s Outstanding Clip Art Library. Choose from a bevy of professionally cultivated clipart, stickers, vectors, and illustrations that are completely free to incorporate into your photos and graphic designs for all occasions.

Even with 500 free headers there’s still the off chance you may not find something that fits just right with your site. But now worries, these headers also come with a free header graphics creation tool.

With this tool you’ll be able to uniquely customize the headers with text and/or additional graphics. You can even load a blank header and completely create your own designs or load one from a template library and customize it as you like. If you want to add your own graphics just drop them in, nothing could be easier. And no other graphic tools are needed.

This blog or website header creation tool is so easy to use, even for me who has no creative talent whatsoever. I’ve been using this web header graphics tool for over a year now and love it. Here’s one of the headers I use on my beauty skin care site.

If 500 Free Website Headers isn’t Enough, Get 5000 More!

Since the 500 free website headers and free graphics tool were such a big hit, Paul Smithson (the developer and the Xsitepro guy) created a professional XheaderPro package that now has 5000 headers across 46 categories, things like:

Blog Headers Scrapped
  • action/adventure
  • seasons
  • shopping
  • photography
  • news & information
  • sports
  • fashion
  • fantasy & magic
  • healthy eating

…and lots more

These additional headers are perfect if you want to add a header quickly or aren’t keen on doing any design creation yourself.

The XheaderPro professional package sells for $37, which works out to be less than 1 penny per header graphic. With the cost of hiring a graphics designer, it’s quite a bargain. Just buying one professionally created header graphic cost me more than the whole XheaderPro package combined.

The package also includes generic type header graphics that could easily be used for any niche topic.

Don’t Stress About Headers any more, here’s what to do…

Try the 500 free website headers first. Even if you don’t find a header you like within the 500 choices you have, you’ll at least be able to see how easy the free graphics creation tool is to use for creating and customizing your own unique headers.

Blog Headers Scrapped 's Free Printables Digi And Clip Art Images

If you need more design choices the professional package certainly won’t break the bank and you’ll have tons of additional header graphics that you can work with no matter how many sites you have or create in the future.

Blog Headers Scrapped 's Free Printables Digi And Clip Art Printables

Enjoy! It’s all free 🙂