Result Sheets This website has been developed to provide a platform to all those energetic and enthusiastic Headmasters and Principals who wish to extend their office works and want to make it easy. Our aim is to help our students also in their intellectual development. Through this website we also like to share our content in the form of. RESULT SHEETS 2014-15 RESULT RULES SDMC SMC ADARSH VIDYALAYA LATEST FORMATS. पोर्टल का अपडेशन नहीं किया जा रहा है अतः, www॰ व www॰ctor॰in का अवलोकन करते रहें।.


E4 - E7 Exam Results

On this page you will find information on the E-4 through E-7 advancement exam and Chief's selection board results. Sometimes the Navy will move around the publication of the results to ease the burden associated with bandwidth on their servers so final results may not appear immediately in their final place.

For those who do not make it, it is a good time to take stock on how you prepared for the exam or selection board. Below I discuss a few points you may want to consider if you are trying to advance.

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Navy Profile Sheet

Don't forget to use your profile sheet (linked below) to see how you compare with others in your rate. Make sure you look at your weak areas shown on the profile sheet. If the material is on the next bibs, you will know what area to concentrate on first! And that reminds me – study your weak areas first because it takes longer. As you approach exam time and study your stronger areas, you will see that you have covered more ground since it takes less time to study your strong subjects.

Your profile sheet provides valuable information on your Final Multiple Score (FMS) elements, the minimum FMS cut score, and an exam content topic area breakdown that provides the number of questions answered correctly and how well you did compared to peers.

You must be on a .mil domain computer to access your profile sheet. You should contact your ESO if you cannot access your profile sheet.


CREO & Quotas


One mistake sailors make is to wait for the Navy Advancement exam results to come out before they start studying again. Whether you are reserve or active duty it is a big mistake to stop your studies! Besides your profile sheet, the advancement quotas as well as the CREO group can give you a good indication of where you stand compared to your peers, and how much you need to study in order to advance in rate. The quotas (public version) is usually released after the Navy Advancement exam results come out but will show a good trend on how many sailors are being advanced in a particular rate.

Simply put it goes like this. If the advancement quotas for your rate has a 30% advancement rate and your profile sheet has you on the lower percentile of the advancement test, your chances of advancing are less than someone with the same quota who missed the advancement exam by 1 point! In the rough & tumble world of the Navy wide Advancement exam, you are in direct competition with those in your own rate and rank!

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That doesn't mean you shouldn't help each other, on the contrary you should! The material for the Navy advancement exam is so large that study groups or partners will only compliment your individual studies. And in the end its all going to depend on how hard you study on your own, compared to others in the first place in addition to how your Navy evals look. If you remember that you are your own teacher, responsible for setting your own study time, you’ll get a picture of what it really takes to advance in rate.