Sls Tack Shop Signsugars Legacy Stables

  • or

Rose Gold

Contact SLS Via Social Media! SLS 1x5 Thoroughbred Stall Front No Door. Sugars Legacy Stables. You MAY NOT with any of my creations upload, Distribute, Mass. Sunflower & Cactus Tack Klassy Cowgirl Tack Unicorn Printed Tack Argentina Cow Leather Tack Final Clearance HS/BC Sets; Hair-On Cowhide; Angel Wing; Tooled & Plain; Fringe; Vintage; Rhinestone Bling; Nylon; Beaded; Painted; Rawhide; Fashion Print; Filigree & Paisley; Embroidered; Animal Print; Silver Show; Pony Nylon; Pony.

Legacy Shop Now

Whitney's Pick of the Week

Fun patterned fleece coolers by HKM. Great quality at a great price- $60 each.


We are in the Choo Choo Barn building above Isaac's restaurant. A short drive from Tanger Outlets and Rockvale Shopping Center.

Business hours are listed below- Stop in and shop!
CURBSIDE pick up is available by calling ahead at 717-279-1835

Masks required, if you can not wear a mask pleasde call for curbside pick up or shipping.

Corner Stable Tack Shop

226 Gap Rd

Sls Tack Shop Signsugars Legacy Stables

Strasburg, PA 17579

Sls tack shop signsugars legacy stables las vegas


Winter Hours

Monday- 12-5

Tuesday/Wednesday- Closed

Thursday/Friday- 12-6

Saturday- 10-5

Sls Tack Shop Signsugars Legacy Stables Colorado Springs

Sunday- 10-4

Sls Tack Shop Signsugars Legacy Stables Las Vegas